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About Us and Our Kennel

Our home is located in Georgetown Texas and my kennel is devoted to preserving the original working traits of the German Shepherd Dog. All of my time and focus is devoted to raising and training these wonderful dogs.

I personally have owned several breeds of dog ranging from the tiny Poodle to the colossal Newfoundland. I've always shared my home with at least one canine, but have been training dogs since the age of seven; handling canines has always been natural for me. I received my first German Shepherd, by the name of Buck, at the age of ten and absolutely fell in love with him. My family and I would raise Buck for about 15 months before he went on to become a Police K-9. I admired everything about the breed; their intelligence, loyalty, and of course their gorgeous good looks. After importing my first GSD in 2008, my passion for these dogs only continued to grow and my obsession for the breed formed! 
My philosophy is to keep the breed as the founder, Max von Stephantiz, created, to "Make sure the German Shepherd Dog remains a working dog." I select dogs with a strong desire to work for the handler, stable nerves, and mental/physical soundness. I do NOT want to produce hectic, weak nerved dogs with overly insane drives that so many modern bloodlines are becoming. The goal is to produce a well balanced dog with high handler engagement and strong nerves. I aim to breed dogs that can be used for a wide variety of tasks ranging from IGP sport, SAR, Police Work, and of course stable companions. I tend to use mainly old Slovak bloodlines, as well as Czech and West German working lines. My litters are not the result of just "putting two dogs together". Each litter is carefully planned out after years of researching generations of information and first hand experience behind the parents and pedigree to ensure they are a good match. 

While temperament and health are my main concerns, I also focus on the structure of the dogs we breed. We will never breed for extreme angulation as this type of build hinders a working dog from performing their job. My preference is a strong head, good bone, short and strong hocks, firm ears and dark pigment. The goal is to produce dogs according to the SV standard in Germany for appearance, size, weight, and temperamentDogs that are too large tend to have a more difficult time performing working tasks, and generally have a higher chance for poor joint health and less longevity. There are so many dogs in the world to chose from for breeding; breeders should be picky about their stock.  Our dogs are tested for DM, hip, and elbow dysplasia before breeding. 
Our dogs have a clean outdoor/indoor kennel set up with ac and heating. Kennels are cleaned daily. However, our dogs are also a part of the family and live inside the house with us. Each dog is worked daily in either obedience, tracking, or protection and given plenty of exercise throughout the day. We also like to take our shepherds on regular trips to the lake, parks, and hiking trails. (I often like to post pictures of these outings on our Facebook and instagram pages.)

A little bit about our puppy routine:
Puppies are born and kept inside the house and exposed to daily family life. We socialize our pups with a wide variety of people, dogs, and other animals. They are also exposed to loud sudden noises, such as cars, banging pots and pans, and gunshots. We introduce "odd" types of flooring such as tarps, tiles, wood and the balance ball for the pups to get accustomed to.  Basic obedience and drive building are started at an early age. Puppies are also fed in their crates to associate the crate with a pleasant experience.
 I am also an advocate for the "Super Dog" Program, where puppies are given early neurological stimulation to help prepare them for the future. More information about this program can be found here:
Puppies enjoying the outside play area 
The "J2" Litter pictured at 3.5 weeks old playing with toys and exploring the wobble board. Pups are introduced to new items every day. 
Puppies are born inside the house and have their own whelping room, located right next to my room. 
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